7 annoying terrier habits - or is it just Bob?
If you are a terrier owner you’re probably aware they seem to have their own peculiarities and idiosyncrasies. And whilst it may be contentious and perhaps brutal to say so, some terrier habits can be hugely irritating. Or perhaps its just the behaviour of one Norfolk terrier that is giving us a headache, - yes Bob, I’m talking about you! Let me take you into our world….
A favourite late night hangout
1. You’ve just had a box set binge, it’s late and you’re desperate for bed. But Reg and Bob need their last trip to the garden and be put to bed. This is when Bob decides to hide in the hole he’s dug for himself in the bushes - and once he’s in his hole he’s settled for who knows how long. No amount of whispering shouts (it’s a terrace after all) and rattling of treat bags will get him to budge. I’m regretting the extra episode and the large glass of wine because all I can do now is wait until Bob decides it’s time for bed. Now what’s that all about?
2. Scavenging is Bob (and indeed Reg’s ) talent and that can ruin a good walk - not from his perspective obviously but definitely from mine. He loves the street meats which are a too frequent offering where we live and the picnic season is a personal nightmare - the places we have to avoid are endless. And if Bob does manage to locate a picnic - he’s always rewarded by a hand fed snack and I’m told how gorgeous he is - not what I want to hear when I’ve sprinted a hundred yards to try and catch him before the invasion
Come on Bob!
3. Another hugely annoying habit is the time he takes to start his walks. Every walk starts with a very, very lengthy location acclimatisation. Just when Reg and I want to get going, he’s checking out every single bush and there’s no chance he’ll start the walk until he’s good and ready! Even Reg gets frustrated!
4. When Bob doesn’t want to walk he sits down right in the middle of the path. We know he’s not tired but it seems he just wants to get attention - and boy does he get it! When I go back to him he usually has a crowd of people round him wondering what's wrong and I’m scrutinised as if I’ve been truly neglectful and cruel.
5. Bob doesn’t like walking on a lead. You probably know that Reg&Bob are a small accessory business selling collars and leads (amongst other things) for dogs that want to be dogs. So how does it look when one of the founders refuses to walk on a lead? It’s clear Bob feels he should be unencumbered and able to freestyle - not a good idea near a busy London road or indeed any road at all.
6. Many people say dogs don’t need variety in their diet - and as Reg and Bob eat street food they definitely aren’t fussy. But Bob goes off food and he goes off treats - and you never know when this will be. He still wants to eat and definitely still wants treats but if he decides he doesn't want that particular meal - he wants an alternative to be offered. Same with treats - I have been through three or four options from the treat drawer, none of which have met with approval - they may have been delicious yesterday but today they don't make the grade. Annoying or what?
Alone time
7. Bob can be a very cuddly, loving dog but equally he can be very aloof and distant. A cuddle from Bob is on his terms only - simple. If he’s not in the mood, he’s not interested. So its difficult to know if you are in favour or not - sometimes one’s lucky, other times it’s the cold shoulder.
Love him
How irritating is this dog? Should there be a trip to the therapist or perhaps we both need a seat on a couch! But there’s one thing to say about Bob and these hugely irritating and exasperating traits - boy we love him!
Do you recognise any of these traits in your dog? Is this normal terrier behaviour or just Bob? Do let us know and feel free to share - it would be great to find out if Bob is more unique than we first thought or there’s a need for a support group!