What's in our dog walking bag

What do we carry in our dog walking bag? Well rather a lot actually. And now we’re not wearing coats with endless pockets, a dog walking bag with endless pockets is even more essential

So here’s what’s in ours

🛢 - poo bags and lots of them

🎾 - Bob’s ball

📱 - iphone obvs

🎧 - there’s always a podcast to listen to

🔑 - keys

🖐 - hand sanitiser- we’re going to need this for a while yet so we’ve upgraded to  @connocklondon  a gorgeous Kukui Oil Sanitising Spray

🤧 - paper tissues and wipes- an extra Covid precaution? -well actually to clean up Bob’s misdemeanours!

- dog treats and it has to be #beautifuljoes- super tasty and the best spillproof tin

- treats for me. I love a snack on our walks and  @the.savourists umami-rich snack bars are my latest favourite - savoury is definitely my thing

💦 - water - we rarely take water on walks (we always walk near water and have it in the car) but we have a collapsible bowl and small bottle (not shown) that fits perfectly when required

💳 💰 - couple of cards and cash safely stowed in the zipped pocket. There’s rarely a walk that doesn’t involve popping into the local shops for something for supper or just a delicious coffee or juice

and 💄- emergency use only!
So there’s no need to look as if you’re hiking up Everest on your dogwalks - the crossbody dog walking bag is compact, with amplel pockets and yet still looks super stylish. And if you would rather - it easily converts to a bumbag

Sarah BlythmanReg&Bob